We have received the attached information from the Children and Family Support Service of the Warwickshire County Council which Mr Harris, our Safeguarding Lead, would like to share with our students:
If you feel unsafe at home, or feel worried about a friend or sibling during the current situation, here are some things you may be able to do to get the help you need:
- Text a trustworthy family member or safe adult who may be able to help you
- Call Childline 0800 1111 and talk through how you are feeling and your concerns
- Call the police in an emergency (999) or a non emergency (101)
- Speak to Young Carers if you are looking after someone at home 02476 217740
- Look online at support from the Family Information Service
- If you feel unsafe or in danger call the council helpline on 01926 414144
- Email the Designated Safeguarding Lead at school at info@shipstonhigh.co.uk (School is closed until 20th April. Emails will be monitored but an immediate response should not be expected.)
*If you are unable to do any of the above because it isn’t safe to do so, perhaps you could alert a neighbour or passer by to your situation