We have a wide variety of school trips planned for 2023/4 to further enhance your child’s education and to also enable them to build some essential life skills. All trips are dependent on having staff willing to organise them and, of course, parents able to support them! Our aim, as a school, is to offer a range of trips that are both affordable and enjoyable.
Students are expected to behave as they would in school and their attendance on trips will be subject to them meeting behavioural standards. Shipston High school reserves the right to not take students on trips who have demonstrated that they have not met the above requirements, either in school or on previous trips.
Sometimes school trips do become over-subscribed. Where this is the case, a waiting list will be drawn up and students will be notified if a place becomes available.
Click on the below links to see some of our trips we have been on in 2023-2024:
Upcoming Trips in the Summer Term
Year 11 Trip to Drayton Manor
Year 7 Geography and RE local visit – Shipston
Year 8 Trip to Kew Gardens
Year 10 Geography field trip – Carding Mill Valley, Shropshire
Year 8 trip to Coventry Cathedral
Year 9/10 London Food Tour
Year 9 Oxford University and Natural History Museum
Some of the trips we are looking forward to in 2024-2025 include:
Year 10/11 Textiles trip to the Sealife Centre
Year 10/11 Computer Science trip to Bletchley Park
All years trip to watch England v Japan rugby at Twickenham
Year 8 English trip to watch Romeo and Juliet
Year 9 Battlefields trip