
At Shipston High School we believe that students who achieve a high level of attendance and punctuality will benefit the most from their secondary school years. Our aim is to protect learning and challenge absence, where appropriate, to ensure our students’ social and emotional development, educational outcomes and academic success.

We expect all students to attend school every day possible to support the whole school attendance national target of 97%.


A student who will be absent from school must be reported by a parent/carer by 8.50am latest, each morning of their absence, to support school safeguarding routines.

Please contact the school by either sending an email  via our Edulink parent app, or to or by leaving a message on our absence line 01608 661833,

Please provide the following information;

  • Student name and year group
  • Reason for their absence
  • Expected return time/date

Should we not hear from a parent/carer regarding an absence, we will make contact via email as soon as possible.

For longer term absence, please discuss with our Attendance Officer on 01608 661833




Persistant Absence Definition

We work closely with parents and students to try and maintain a positive approach to school attendance. If your child is feeling slightly under the weather, please give them medication and send them into school rather than allowing them to stay at home. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, or has tested positive for covid, please follow the NHS guidance for the required time to keep them off school. For sickness and diarrhoea please keep your child off school for a 48 hour period following their last episode of ill health. For a positive covid test, your child is required to remain at home for 3 full days following the positive result.

A student is deemed as being persistently absent from school by the DofE if their attendance drops below 90%. We work closely with Warwickshire County Council, and their attendance service (W.A.S), with the aim of resolving attendance issues that can lead to repeated absence.

A high level of attendance does make a difference to your child’s exam success. If a student misses 17 days per year, they are likely to drop a grade on each GCSE subject they take.

Attendance Policy

Leave of Absence Request

If you wish to take your child out of school during term time you must complete a leave of absence form. Only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence. Parents/carers are required to make a request well in advance of the absence date.

All requests will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the circumstances of the request and the child’s attendance to date.

LOA Request Form (Warks CC)

Please note:

  • The Head Teacher cannot grant leave of absence during term time for a holiday.
  • The leave of absence form must be completed before any arrangements are confirmed or financial commitment made.
  • A separate leave of absence form must be completed for each child
  • If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please contact the school to discuss and make arrangements to minimise the disruption to your child’s education
  • If the exceptional circumstances are agreed, the Head Teacher will agree the length of absence authorised.
  • Please return leave of absence request forms in person to the school office or via email to