Open Evening took place on Thursday 26th September and we were delighted to welcome so many prospective parents to what we believe is a very special school. The school was alive with demonstrations, displays and current Shipston High School students eager to share their experiences of life at the school. We never cease to be amazed and proud of the way our students volunteer to come back to school in their own time to help in classrooms, act as tour guides, car park attendants and do anything else that needs to be done!
Our visitors were certainly impressed with their Shipston High experience and our visitors questionnaire revealed some lovely comments:
“The students were absolutely charming. You can see immediately how happy they are. We’re extremely impressed”
“I have been very impressed by how warmly the pupils spoke about their school: their sense of pride is evident”
The closing date for on time applications for entry to Shipston High School in September 2020 is 31st October and the school has 120 places available.