Following their inspection visit on Tuesday 20th March this year, Ofsted have now published their report on Shipston High School. The full report is available on the Ofsted website and can also be downloaded from the “School Performance” area of this website.
We are delighted to inform you that the school is judged to be good.
This is a strong result for the school, with the report recognising the excellent results achieved at Shipston High due to the commitment of staff, pupils, governors and families.
Congratulations to our pupils on the positive impression they gave of themselves during the visit. The inspectors were impressed by our young people throughout: ‘Pupils are a credit to you. They speak positively about how much they enjoy school, make friends and feel safe’.
The report recognises our focus on safety and well-being, stating ‘Safeguarding is effective’. This is reflected in the feedback provided to Ofsted by families: ‘Parents think very highly of the school…Parents feel that pupils are safe, happy, taught well and make good progress’.
The report recognises the focus the school places on high quality teaching and learning, stating ‘Inspectors’ evidence supports the success of your focus upon classroom-based school improvement in terms of the quality of teaching and outcomes’. This will always be our school priority as the core business of the school is developing all of our pupils’ skills and talents.
We would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to read the report. The inspection was thorough and appropriately rigorous, giving the inspectors a clear understanding of the school. Their judgements are fair, and reflect the view of the school community on what we do well and areas for us to develop.
The success of this report is due to the contribution of everyone involved in our school community, and thanks are due to everyone for their continued support. We are all very proud of the school, and this report identifies and celebrates many of the school’s strengths, not least ‘the positive attitudes of pupils.’