Last year, extra curricular sport was very much a casualty of the COVID pandemic but this year Shipston High School P.E. is back with a bang!
Students have been fortunate in being able to take part in a number of inter-house competitions, after school fixtures and fun events within the Department. A range of sports have been offered across all year groups with attendance, although being impacted by COVID, still remaining good with the attitude and approach of students to each event brilliant. Thanks go to our students for sometimes literally “going the extra mile” to support their team mates, often turning out to represent their House or School at short notice and to our parents for the last minute kit drop offs, late collections from school and general support for the Department. Thanks too to Head of Department Miss S. Davies, Miss S.P. Davies and Mr Doogue-Johnson for their commitment in making it all happen.
At this stage of the term it is far from over in P.E. We still have the “Santa Dash” for the remainder of the year groups and the now famous “Hockey Tinsel Tournament” later on this week.
We hope you enjoy selection of images taken during the course of the term.