The first PiXL Edge Awards ceremony to celebrate Year 8’s success during their first year at Shipston High School took place on Thursday 30th November. The PiXL Edge – Apprentice Level framework gives students the opportunity to develop five key life attributes through a series of targeted activities and challenges. These attributes were chosen after research looked into employability skills and the following attributes were identified as key to success.
Leadership; Organisation; Resilience; Initiative and Communication
Students were required to complete two activities per attribute. Examples of some of the activities undertaking by the students to gain the award include organising a fundraising event for a local Youth Council which involved running a tabletop sale, car wash and bike repair, writing and delivering a speech on Animal Abuse and Animal Testing, learning a new musical instrument and completing research for a project within History which included creating a model of castle.
As a school we are keen to promote such skills and qualities to prepare students for life once they leave Shipston High. Our students are keen and determined to face every challenge set which was evidenced by the number of students who achieved the award. Hopefully the success and accolade of this award will drive them forward to work towards the next level which will be launched after Christmas.