Shipston High School is very pleased and privileged to support the Shipston branch of the Royal British Legion in its fundraising and in raising awareness of conflicts past and present and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Our poppy sellers are busy during the Poppy Appeal fortnight selling poppies and other merchandise to support the Poppy Appeal, each year trying to beat the previous year’s total.
A big part of our school Remembrance is the whole school assembly led by the President and Chairman of the Shipston Royal British Legion. At 2.30 p.m. on Friday 10th November the school falls silent for the whole period of the assembly as a mark of respect for all those who suffered. Mr Hunt, Head of Music, sounds the Last Post and Reveille and we are proud to say that Year 10 student Harvey Crockett is the Legion’s official Standard bearer.
To end our remembrance, our four senior prefects will represent the school in the town procession on Sunday 12th November, lay a wreath on behalf of the school at the war memorial and read out the names of the fallen during the remembrance service.
Each year our senior prefects decide on their own wording to accompany the wreath. This year’s wording is very poignant:
“We will never forget their fight, their suffering and their pain
We will always remember them; their bravery and their name”