Earlier this term, the History department organised an enrichment visit to explore the battlefields of the First World War for a group of Year 9 students. The visit encompassed a range of activities including visiting Ypres and attending the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate where students laid a wreath on behalf of the school, visiting Langemarck German Military Cemetery and Tyne Cot and areas of the Somme including the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing. Of course no trip to Belgium would be complete without the obligatory chocolate shop visit too!
The purpose of the visit was, amongst other things, to experience what life would have been like on the Western Front, enabling students to find out about how medicine was used and developed during the war, a key element in the new GCSE History course.
Whilst away, visit leader Miss McElroy received many compliments about the behaviour of all our students with the tour guides commenting on how engaged and enthusiastic they were in all aspects of the trip, conducting themselves well and showing maturity beyond their years when dealing with sensitive issues. Thanks to Miss McElroy and staff for organising such an informative, emotive and thought provoking trip.