Friday 1st March was national offer day when Year 6 pupils were notified which secondary school they would be attending in September.

Shipston High School can now confirm that all 120 available places for our September intake have been allocated and we are running a substantial waiting list. This is great news for our school and the local community as we continue to strive to provide a safe, supportive and nurturing environment to enable every student to grow personally and academically.

Parents are reminded that the deadline for accepting or declining the offer made is Friday 15th March and that if no response is received by this date the offer will be withdrawn by the Warwickshire Local Authority ready for the first reallocation round which starts on Monday 18th March. Appeals for places should be lodged by Friday 29th March.
If you have any queries about the admissions process, waiting list or appeal system please contact Mrs Alison Punt, Headteacher’s Secretary either on 01608 661833 or