The current High Sheriff of Warwickshire, The Lady Willoughby de Broke, is undertaking a 5 day, 200 mile bike ride around Warwickshire from 1st to 5th October. The purpose is to raise money for the High Sheriff Fund, which provides grants to many small voluntary and community organisations operating at a grassroots level in Warwickshire.

We are delighted that the High Sheriff selected Shipston High School as the launch point for this inspiring event. Students and local supporters gathered at the school to celebrate the start of the ride and cheer The High Sheriff on her way. Year 11 Business Studies students and Year 9 English students provided support whilst gaining a glimpse into the organisation and promotion of such an event.

Guests included Lord Willoughby de Broke, Leader of Warwickshire County Council Izzi Seccombe, Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe and current Mayor of Shipston on Stour Ian Cooper. Shipston Rotary Club and other local organisations were also there to support the event and we are grateful to Chris Wright for the accompanying photography.

For anyone interested in reading more, or making a donation, please use the following link: